敦煌戈壁行社交酒会 Dun Huang Gobi Social Event
Green Foot is an International Environment Care Community who believes that environmental protection is an attitude towards and a way of living. In Green Foot, environmental protection refers to minimalism and quality life. The joint wish of all the members in Green Foot is that we overcome our over dependency on materials, clean up our inner space, save more time and energy to concern about the world, the environment, the surrounding, the people and our own hearts.
The desert is one of the parts of nature we share, and it is also one of the areas facing huge environmental challenges.
Today, the desert is no longer the desolate place we imagined, but a place full of miracles and life, all thanks to the people who spread love in this barren land.
Here, we sincerely invite you to attend a unique social reception and take you into the mysterious world of Dunhuang Gobi.
This is not only a social reception, but also an opportunity to present a new perspective on environmental protection. We are honored to invite the founders of Suxing Gobi and the participants of the event to conduct interviews, and they will share their stories with us. and discuss how to walk in the desert with environment protection practices, such as picking up trash and planting trees, and the environmental challenges faced by the desert.
This event will also use group discussions to allow everyone to discuss the topic of desert environmental protection in depth. This is a unique moment of knowledge exchange and inspiration.
In addition to environmental protection topics, this is also a networking event, an opportunity to communicate with people from all walks of life. Everyone can create new connections and make like-minded friends who work together to protect our precious natural resources.
(Contact 联系人(Wechat 微信)greenfootadmin)
2023-9-17 晚18:30-22:00 (Sunday 星期日)
【Meetup 活动地点】
1F, Curv Cigar Bar, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
【 活动报名费用 Fees 】
The registration fee includes one soft drink.
早鸟票: 99元 (9月12号截止)
Early Bird Ticket: 99RMB (Deadline: 12th September)
Pay after 12th Sep or pay at Door: 129RMB
【 Event Rundown 活动流程 】
18:30 - 19:15 :参与者签到时间
Participants front desk registration
19:15 - 19:30 :活动背景介绍(素行戈壁视频播放)和嘉宾介绍
Event and Guest Speaker introduction
19:30 - 20:00 :嘉宾访谈以及听众提问(30分钟)
Guest interviews and Q/A
20:00 - 20:10 : 敦煌舞表演
Dun Huang Dancing
20:10 - 20:40:嘉宾访谈以及听众提问(30分钟)
Guest interviews and Q/A
20:40 - 21:00:分组讨论,嘉宾将进入每个小组进行讨论
Group discussion
21:00 - 21:10:一起学习跳社交舞
Learning social dancing
21:10 - 22:00 :自由社交时间
Free Social Time
【 活动合作方 Event Partner 】
嘉宾合作: 素行戈壁
宣传合作: 取伙
视频合作: 游猪生态
节目合作: 禅心舞韵艺术团
【绿脚丫简介 Green Foot Introduction】
绿脚丫成立于2015年,总部在深圳,并在珠三角片区的拥有广州,东莞,惠州分部, 省外先后成立了上海,西安,成都分部。现在这8个城市以生活化、社交化的方式倡导和践行环保理念。绿脚丫亦是一个国际社交平台,聚集了来自美、德、英、印度及东南亚等30余个国家的环保爱好者,通过线上线下的活动累计辐射人数达10万余人。绿脚丫立志链接更广泛的人群,为一个绿意盎然的世界持续努力!
Green Foot is an International Environment Care Community who believes that environmental protection is an attitude towards and a way of living. In Green Foot, environmental protection refers to minimalism and quality life. The joint wish of all the members in Green Foot is that we overcome our over dependency on materials, clean up our inner space, save more time and energy to concern about the world, the environment, the surrounding, the people and our own hearts.
Green Foot established in 2015 with headquarter set in Shenzhen and branches covered PRD Guangzhou, Dongguan, Huizhou while Shanghai, Xi'an, Chengdu and Zhuhai were swiftly established in the past half year. Through the offline activities and media reports, we have reached and influenced over 100,000 international audience. Our mission is to connect more people and built a greener world together.
【绿脚丫精神 Green Foot Spirit】
Living the Green Foot Spirit - 活出绿脚丫精神
Its cleaner when you leave.
Money is yours, resources are ours.
Nobody stands alone.
Bring your smile and open heart.